These warm plums are the perfect simple dessert. Serve with fresh maple cream or vanilla ice cream they are delicious and so beautiful.

Cut 6-8 plums in half, remove the seeds
Heat up 2 tablespoons of Happy Maple of your choice (I used Robuste because I love the intensity, it goes so well with the plums)
Set the plum halfes in the pan, skin side up
Add a pinch of sea salt and let cook for a minute
Deglaze with 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar
Flip the plums and add 4 tablespoons of black currant sirup
Turn the heat down and let simmer until the sauce gets thicker, baste the plums with the sauce every once in a while
Turn off the heat, set aside and let cool down until everything is warm but not hot anymore
Enjoy with vanilla ice cream!
This recipe has been prepared by Susanne for Happy Maple with goût Robuste. Let us know, if you like this recipe and tag it #happymapleswitzerland on Instagram so we can see. We also love seeing your comments and ratings. It’s the ultimate internet ego boost !